In a surprising and heartwarming turn of events, Abass Akande Obesere, popularly known as Omo Rapala, and K1 De Ultimate have reconciled their differences. This historic reconciliation was not announced through a formal press release or a public statement but rather in a unique and contemporary fashion – on Instagram Reels.

The reconciliation took place yesterday at Obesere & Friends Concert in Lagos and it has been circulating rapidly on social media platforms. Instead of a traditional press conference or official statement, Abass Akande Obesere chose a more artistic and musical approach to convey his message to the world.


In a clip cut from a long performance, Obesere used the power of lyrics to send a powerful message. While the video may not contain a direct verbal statement, the lyrics in the performance conveyed the essence of reconciliation.


The caption accompanying the Instagram Reels post read: “I have reconciled with Olori Omooba Akile Ijebu, K1 De Ultimate.” This statement has captured the attention of fans and the media, sparking conversations about the significance of this reconciliation within the Nigerian music industry.


The unique approach to announcing this reconciliation has garnered significant attention and discussion. It highlights the evolving ways in which artists choose to communicate and make meaningful announcements in today’s digital age. In an era dominated by social media and visual content, using Instagram Reels to convey such a significant message is both creative and effective.


As fans and the music industry eagerly await further developments, one thing is clear: the reconciliation between Abass Akande Obesere and K1 De Ultimate is a positive step forward, not just for these two iconic musicians but for the entire Nigerian music scene. It serves as a reminder that music has the power to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring people together, even in the most unconventional of ways.


The message delivered through Instagram Reels speaks volumes about the ability of music to transcend differences and unite artists, reminding us all that music is a universal language that can convey powerful messages of unity and reconciliation.


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