To set the record straight, Controversial Legal practitioner, Michael Maxwell Opara is not the victim of the viral assault video trending on social media. Rather, the CEO of Afriq Arbitrage System, Jesam Michael and thousands of investors of the financial platforms were the true victims of the unfortunate brouhaha that is playing out on social media.


It would be recalled that Jesam Michael was the complainant at the Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday. Michael had petitioned the Inspector General of Police (IGP), accusing Humble Prince Eta, Donald Michael, Fifeyin Awajumo and Michael Okoh of cyberbullying and cyber stalking.


He alleged that the four individuals circulated some messages against him on Facebook and WhatsApp in April where the accused who were never investors of the company threatened him, his family, workers and put up several incriminating lies against his person. They were picked up by the police where some shocking discovery was unearthed. Sadly, Maxwell Opara, despite knowing the truth, decided to advocate for them based on monetary gains.


Justice Joyce Abdumalik who was saddled with the responsibility of hearing the case filed by the IGP on behalf of Jesam Michael against the accused ordered the remand of the accused in the Kuje Correctional Centre until May 13, when the case is slated to come up for hearing again.


Interestingly, Jesam was billed to address the media about the ugly trend when Maxwell Opara hijacked the media platform to push a totally wrong narrative and fabrication which prompted Jesam Michael to interrupt him innocently.


Like someone who has an evil plot, like a scripted actor, Maxwell was shouting to an unseen cameraman saying cover him, cover him.


What many people don’t understand is that Maxwell Opara and the accused were allegedly working together for an alleged confessed fraudster, Abayomi Oluwasesan who admitted to stealing $87m of investors money run by Jesam Micael. These are investors from over 540 countries, states and provinces of the world.


Being a man who believes in the security agencies and the rule of law in this country, Jesam toed the line of justice and this move angered Abayomi and his cohorts who have resorted to blackmail and fabrications on social media to sway the gullible followers to their journey of perdition.


That’s why Jesam Michael opened up that the accused persons have been threatening his life and promising to bring him down. “We are against anyone going to social media, taking up pictures and videos to air out fake stories that Abayomi did not steal money….We keep saying if you think Abayomi didn’t steal the money, why not go to the police station and ask the police officers who investigated the case or go to the court where the case is,” said Michael.

5 thoughts on “Alleged Assault In Court: Setting The Record Straight, Jesam Michael is The Victim, Not Maxwell Opara ~ 1STELEVEN9JATV”
  1. i know aas ,i invested in aas , aas is real, aas is hope all investors and all coman men , aas technology is proven all payments done in milliseconds,aas is always growth technology centralized and decentralised workings on blockchain smart contact,aas is 1000% real , aas is my future,aas is my children future, i believe in aas as a god gifted, opportunity @ everyone

  2. CEO Jesam Michael did the entire company AAS and the Token AAST as well the use cases that back up AAST like Longes soler estate ect and all this with his own money he saved from years of trading on the cryptocurrency, stocks forex as he is well known for many accomplishments in the trading world, Jesam Michael had a vision to invest in a platform and create for mankind to enjoy and be able to invest and get profits from all went well and positive progress and he gave constant update to his followers spartens until CEO Jesam Michael went thru a bad health situation that led him to give and trust Abayomi with the company’s data and private keys at the end Abayomi just thought about him self and not caring about the investors stole 87 million but as Jesam Michael is a born fighter to never give up got well and arrested Abayomi as well Abayomi confessed in court of his crime and it’s in documents of this. Will will get justice to recover the funds stolen.

    1. Before I go on to say anything, I want to know how long that Lawyer Maxwell has been in practice and still condescend low to such a disgraceful level he paraded himself on social media that day. I am made to understand that before any Lawyer picks up a case, they usually ascertain the very truth from their client; they equally also carry out a background findings to enable them know exactly how to handle an issue brought before them.

      As a Nigerian and an investor in AAS, I am personally very ashamed to count myself a member of a country where Maxwell is equally a citizen. He is a disgrace to the legal system of Nigeria.

      For a Lawyer to parade some individuals who were arrested for threatening the lives of the CEO of AAS and his family members because he arrested one Abayomi who stole AAS investors funds, is laughable and portrays the extent to which a man who should be a custodian of the law is willing to descend to for his own selfish financial gain. He is a desperate man looking for a cheap evidence to support his illfated case. He was trying to steal the show and change the narrative in the presence of many true investors of AAS who have been waiting for Maxwell’s client (who have been remanded in prison) to refund the money he stole.

      These are men and women young and old whose lives have been made miserable by the crime committed by the Lawyer’s client. The Lawyer simply because he is wearing some clothes I don’t know, simply want to use that opportunity to corner a press briefing by the CEO of AAS to his credit. What a shame!

      All those who are now crying in place of the bereaved, should go all out and made their private findings on this case. Let them go find out the following:
      1. Who is Maxwell representing in this case?
      2. Who were the people he presented as victims of the fraud in question? Where they representing the real investors interests?
      3. What are those people’s relationship with the Nigerian Police at present?
      4. Who is Abayomi?
      5. What was the financial position of Abayomi before he was employed by AAS?
      6. How did Abayomi become so rich within a very short period after joining AAS?
      7. Why is the lawyer whose client’s case is in court desperately seeking for cheap evidence to support his case by trying to hijack a press briefing? Did he not invite anarchy by so doing and why should he go that far?
      8. Was he not aware that he was in the midst of the true investors who are actually angry over their stolen funds? Was he expecting such people to fold their hands and watch him upturned the truth?

      The money stolen by his client is enormous. They are all taking side with the criminal looking for all means to frustrate the case so that they can go free with their loot. The true investors will not watch and allow their hard earned money to be taking away by those who didn’t work for it.

      The world should take note of these:
      1. Jesam Michael is the CEO of AAS, a company legally registered in Nigeria.
      2. Jesam Michael is a responsible citizen who used his own capital to establish AAS and he is not a criminal.
      3. Jesam Michael employed one Abayomi and left the care of AAS in his care why he went for medical attention.
      4. Abayomi used that opportunity to enter the backend of AAS arbitrage and stole investor’s funds in excess of $87m.
      5. Abayomi has been arrested for his crime and he is remanded at Kuje Prison Abuja, Nigeria.
      6. Jesam Michael and the entire investors are seeking for justice for the refund of the stolen funds.
      7. AAS is still in business paying its numerous investors the little it could at the moment due to the negative impact of Abayomi’s crime; and its doing everything legally possible to bounce back fully to its days of glory.
      8. The AAS community call on every lover of truth to join her to bring Abayomi and his collaborators to justice.
      9. AAS is a company and should not be destroyed through cheap media propaganda because the lives of so many people all over the world depends on it.
      10. Anyone who wants to know the true position of this case should contact the Nigeria Police Abuja and ascertain the true position of things.

  3. That lawyer opkara is not supposed to conclude on a matter that is already in court awaiting judgement.

    Instead of him to act as a learned lawyer and say the truth to the media, no’ he decided to allow the 7% agreed money that his criminal clown client promised him and start calling and condemning the CEO of afriq arbitrage system (AAS) that he has scammed his investors.

    And the criminal that stole from the AAS company has been arrested and he has confessed to his crime and now facing trial in court

    Lawyer opkara don’t you know that your statement is against your profession.

    What a shame Mr okpara

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