Many grew up to the timeless songs of Fuji Musician Kwam 1. This icon by all standard is one of the most hard-working , creative and greatly adored Fuji Musicians Nigeria ever produced.
When he started out several years ago Lagos was not ready for him but he was suave, skinny, sexy and had an unusual golden voice and sex appeal. The big boys in Lagos politics brought him over to dine with them and integrated him into the Lagos Social Circle. A good catch by them I must confess. Oh! Kwam 1 started playing for Royalties, Top politicians and Prominent socialites. With no time he drew the attention of top media gurus who became enthralled by his voice and musical ingenuity and with his Fuji music style he moved Lagos and created a perfect musical rendezvous.
In no time Olu Aye Fuji’s Talazo hit became a chart buster and our Lagos Big Boy took over the social scene.
*But I think it is time to let Kwam 1 know certain things.*
I think it is time to let Kwam 1 Know that he may lose his iconic thrill which may eventually lead to his self-destruction and collapse of his musical empire.
I think it is time to let Kwam 1 know that too many people complain that he is very arrogant, uncouth, erratic and getting too carried away with money, power and position.
I think it is time to let Kwam 1 know that he occupies a sensitive position as a custodian of Yoruba Traditional Music and a Cultural Ambassador ( Mayegun) hence so much is expected from him.
I think he should know that at over 60 he is a father, grandfather and a figure that many in the music industry should emulate.
I think Kwam 1 should know that his music may get written off in the trash of history if he doesn’t soft-pedal.
I think Kwam 1 should know that he is gradually falling apart and may lose the thrill and excitement of generations to come if he doesn’t have a rethink.
Lastly Kwam 1 should be reminded always that the people and not his political associates will dictate his tune when the chip is down.
Final Note of Advise for Olu Aye Baba: *When you are respected and you don’t take heed you may be disrespected.